Saturday, May 16, 2020

Photoshop Exterior Real Estate Image Editing

Exterior Setting: Use Photoshop

Every real-estate listing photographer's aim is to make the photo look realistic as well as to make the property simply look its best. Through Photoshop, numerous things, including but not limited to colours and lighting of the property may be adjusted, even the colour of the sky! 

Exterior photos in listings motivates buyers to conceive of the property's overall look. It also creates a sense of excitement and anticipation of the building's interior. This gives prospective clients a wider perspective when buying the property. However, during night-time, the following may pose a challenge, such as the timing and the weather. This method will make the properties stand out now that most properties are taken in full daylight. The following tips may be used to be able to achieve the perfect exterior shots.

Exterior Editing with Photoshop 

Photoshop has a tool to correct colours by fine-tuning the hue and saturation. One of the usual colour errors in photography of real estate is related to changing the greenery. Capturing colourful exteriors, including grass and trees, can be a challenge. 

To accentuate the greenery, follow these steps: Choose Adjustments and click on Hue and Saturation. Select the colour yellow with the following specifications: Hue to +15, Saturation to -5, and the Lightness to -5. Then re-select the colour Green with the same conditions.

Those adjustments are typically subtle with this technique. The grass will be noticeably vibrant and make it stand out in the photo more.

Aside from the foliage of the exteriors, getting a balanced light can be a challenge, especially if working with direct sunlight. There will be lighter specific areas and other areas would be darker and shadier. The best approach to this problem could be edited in Photoshop. The adjustment tool specifically the levels add contrast to the image. This tones down the brightness as well.

Aligning the verticals is also important for exterior photography. This happens when the camera is not angled correctly, this results in having slanting lines. To correct this, select Transform from the Edit menu. Select Skew and adjust the property accordingly.  Make sure that the edges are aligned. This simple technique also works to straighten the edges of the interior shots.

Flamboyant Photography uses Photoshop

As it's difficult to capture photos inside, because the images appear darker, editing does the trick. One of the most useful real-estate editing tricks is to blend ambient photos with flash photos or as coined flamboyant photography.

This can be most effective for interior photos. Often, you have not captured the perfect image with just your camera. The lights can be off, and you have a variety of light source that makes the image look crazy. To solve this problem, most real estate photographers take multiple photos of the same subject in different lighting settings, both ambient and flash photos. Then merging the photos through layers and adjustments in order to get the best lighting in the image. Blending different photos to create a single seamless image with stunning lighting can be tricky but manageable.

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